Container with openable bottom

Use: For the stationary storage of production waste and subsequent transport by forklift truck and emptying at the storage site.


  • easy emptying from the operator's seat,
  • self-closing when placed on the ground,
  • can be transported by hand pallet truck.

Kontener z uchylnym dnem Kontener z uchylnym dnem Kontener z uchylnym dnem

Product specifications:
Type - capacity External dimensions
(D x S x H)
Dead weight
Load capacity
0.60 m³ 1250 x 800 x 950 130 1000
1.00 m³ 1400 x 950 x 1100 180 1500
1.50 m³ 1500 x 1000 x 1400 250 2000

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